

Brain Body Potential


Modes are ‘required regression points’ before major jumps in brain integration and recalibration. It can be quite noticeable for some children/individuals and for others not so. During NeuroAbilitation protocols we encourage the brain to correct its own ‘faults’ or heal itself. The corrected brain then starts outputting ‘correct’ skills. It is learning and displaying new… Continue reading The MODEs

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Talking to toddlers

I hear often ‘Why can’t my child hear me?’ Well, the likelihood is that they cannot understand you. Yes, in the past most of society talked to little children in a manner that was ‘baby-ish’ and it was as though young children would understand very little. Somewhere in the 90’s early millennium, we swung to… Continue reading Talking to toddlers

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Pain Pathways

Mirror, mirror on the wall… STOP right there! Your brain does not see you the way you see yourself in the mirror! In reality the brain projects its own brainmaps and connections onto the body. The homunculus in the picture above shows us how much information the individual body parts send to the brain and… Continue reading Pain Pathways

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