The first 4 years of life is a sensitive and critical time for brain development – learning to walk, talk and become an individual. Never again will the human body and brain learn so much and change so fast. Early childhood is the time for great learning and growth and unfortunately for some it is time for significant challenges, missed milestones and compounding delays.
“You are as young as your spine is.” Not surprisingly the most commonly reported pain is back pain. Our back has the least number of neural receptors per area – in fact the fingertips contain about 100 times more receptors per square centimetre than the skin on the back. Most people have back discomfort due to strained muscles, ligaments, and joints rather than a specific illness.
Many amazing early childhood professionals just like yourself, are on the struggle bus when it comes to ascertaining what is the next step in order to reach the next milestones, finding proactive solution, creative teaching tools. But it doesn’t have to take over your nights and weekends. There is a way to make supporting children and planning for their needs work for you, and help you help kids thrive without it consuming your days (and nights!)
NeuroAbilitation is a method of all systems that are involved in creating and recreating neurological BLUEPRINT which can expedite the Brain and Body learning, healing, recalibration process, thus for children/individuals reducing the impact of neurological conditions such as developmental delays, ‘clumsiness’, dyspraxia, cerebral palsy, autism, and chromosomal abnormalities and for adults it recalibrates default patterns such as chronic pain, spinal distortions, trauma stored in the body and faulty brain maps.
NeuroAbilitation techniques facilitate learning by identifying the skill base in motor, speech and play, and the skill repertoire of the child/individual.
Baby and Toddler Milestones Coaching
ADHD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy Protocols
Developmental Delays Protocol
Speech and Auditory Protocols
Back and Leg Pain Recovery Protocol
Stroke and Mobility Protocol
Auditory and Tinnitus Protocol
On-call consulting for Childcare Centres and Early Childhood Teachers
Programming and differentiation support
Developmental training
We are based in the South West of Western Australia and on the the internet.
Our destination recovery retreats and residential services can be conducted in the clients’ family home or our clients can come and stay with us in Bridgetown Western Australia.
Our online coaching is a preferred option for interstate and overseas families.
Our protocols are individually priced.
We will consider individual circumstances when requested.
Contact us about using your NDIS funding in Australia.
Communities, friends love to help! In need many do not know how to provide support. Kickstarter, Crowdfunding/ GoFundMe etc. can be a great way to allow others to support you or your family. Please let us know if you wish to use or would like to set up a donation account inviting friends and family.
Motor development is a skills, aptitudes, and performance platform where the individual is inclined to plan, compute, and execute his
or her motor skills. All movements from walking to talking are part of the
motor repertoire of a human being, thus mediated by the motor system and these
skills help us to interact with our environment, express ourselves in
functional and artistic ways.
A motor delay may also occur when an individual is “stuck in a motor planning base”. In fact, the two major problems I see with motor issues is the ability to shift motor planning phases and/or motor development stages.
Uniquely different and refreshing ideas.
I hear often ‘Why can’t my child hear me?’ Well, the likelihood is that they cannot understand you. Yes, in…
Mirror, mirror on the wall… STOP right there! Your brain does not see you the way you see yourself in…